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Japanere spiser meget fisk.
Japanese people eat a lot of fish.
Fisk er en vigtig madkilde for mennesker.
Fish is an important food source for people.
Aftenens hovedret er stegt fisk.
Tonight's main course is grilled fish.
Muslinger, laks, rejer, hummere og blæksprutte er alle fisk og skalddyr.
Clams, salmon, shrimp, lobsters, and squid are all seafood.
Kylling eller fisk?
Chicken or fish?
Fiskeren holder en stor fisk.
The fisherman is holding a big fish.
Fisken svømmer i vandet.
The fish is swimming in the water.
Man drikker rødvin til kød og hvidvin til fisk.
You drink red wine with meat, and white wine with fish.
Jeg kan lide fisk.
I like fish.
Ørnen flyver og dykker ned efter fisk.
The eagle is flying and swooping for fish.
Fisken kigger på maddingen.
The fish is looking at the bait.
rå fisk
raw fish
fisk i et akvarie på akvariet
fish in a fish tank at the aquarium
saltwater fish
freshwater fish
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