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Beginner Season 1 Lesson 7 - Shopping for Clothes in Denmark
Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to DanishClass101.com. This is Beginner Season 1 Lesson 7 - Shopping for Clothes in Denmark. Eric here.
Anna: Hej! I'm Anna.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn some useful shopping expressions. The conversation takes place at a clothes shop.
Anna: It's between Camille and Simone.
Eric: The speakers are strangers. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Camille: Hej, har du brug for hjælp?
Simone: Ja, jeg leder efter en sort blazer med hvidt for.
Camille: Hvilken størrelse skal du bruge?
Simone: Hmm, en small.
Camille: Et øjeblik.
Simone: Tak.
Camille: Værsgo.
Simone: Mange tak. Må jeg prøve den?
Camille: Selvfølgelig. Den er på tilbud i øjeblikket.
Simone: Virkelig? Godt den passer!
Eric: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Camille: Hej, har du brug for hjælp?
Simone: Ja, jeg leder efter en sort blazer med hvidt for.
Camille: Hvilken størrelse skal du bruge?
Simone: Hmm, en small.
Camille: Et øjeblik.
Simone: Tak.
Camille: Værsgo.
Simone: Mange tak. Må jeg prøve den?
Camille: Selvfølgelig. Den er på tilbud i øjeblikket.
Simone: Virkelig? Godt den passer!
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Camille: Hej, har du brug for hjælp?
Camille: Hi, do you need help?
Simone: Ja, jeg leder efter en sort blazer med hvidt for.
Simone: Yes, I’m looking for a black blazer with white lining.
Camille: Hvilken størrelse skal du bruge?
Camille: What size do you need?
Simone: Hmm, en small.
Simone: Hmm, a small.
Camille: Et øjeblik.
Camille: Just a moment.
Simone: Tak.
Simone: Thanks.
Camille: Værsgo.
Camille: Here you are.
Simone: Mange tak. Må jeg prøve den?
Simone: Thank you very much. May I try it?
Camille: Selvfølgelig. Den er på tilbud i øjeblikket.
Camille: Of course. It’s on sale at the moment.
Simone: Virkelig? Godt den passer!
Simone: Really? Glad it fits!
Eric: Anna, when are the biggest sales of the year in Denmark?
Anna: The biggest sale is in January, and is called januarudsalg, which literally means “January sale.”
Eric: Do stores offer big discounts during this sale?
Anna: Yes. In many stores, you can save up to 80%.
Eric: That’s a lot! Are there any other big sales you know of?
Anna: You can also find good sales whenever a major chain celebrates its birthday or anniversary. In 2014, Black Friday and Cyber Monday were marketed by some stores for the first time as well.
Eric: And of course there are the discounts when the seasons change, too.
Anna: That’s right.
Eric: Okay.
Eric: Let’s look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Anna: at have brug for [natural native speed]
Eric: to need
Anna: at have brug for [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Anna: at have brug for [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: at lede efter [natural native speed]
Eric: to search for, to look for
Anna: at lede efter [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Anna: at lede efter [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: sort [natural native speed]
Eric: black
Anna: sort [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Anna: sort [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: hvid [natural native speed]
Eric: white
Anna: hvid [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Anna: hvid [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: størrelse [natural native speed]
Eric: size
Anna: størrelse [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Anna: størrelse [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: et øjeblik [natural native speed]
Eric: one moment, just a moment
Anna: et øjeblik [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Anna: et øjeblik [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: værsgo [natural native speed]
Eric: here you are, dinner is ready, help yourself, please
Anna: værsgo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Anna: værsgo [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: selvfølgelig [natural native speed]
Eric: of course
Anna: selvfølgelig [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Anna: selvfølgelig [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: på tilbud [natural native speed]
Eric: on sale
Anna: på tilbud [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Anna: på tilbud [natural native speed]
Eric: And last..
Anna: at passe [natural native speed]
Eric: to fit, to look after, to be convenient, to be true
Anna: at passe [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Anna: at passe [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Anna: et øjeblik
Eric: which means “one moment,” or “just a moment.”
Anna: Breaking this down, Et
Eric: ...as a numeral means “one” or as an indefinite article it means “a” or “an”
Anna: ...While the noun øjeblik
Eric: means “moment” or “minute.” Once again, the whole phrase is
Anna: et øjeblik
Eric: You can use it as an exclamation when you’re indirectly asking someone to wait for a short amount of time.
Anna: In other words, et øjeblik is used like the English phrases “one moment” or “just a moment.”
Eric: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Anna: Sure. For example, you can say.. Det tager kun et øjeblik.
Eric: which means “It only takes a minute.” Okay, what's the next word?
Anna: værsgo,
Eric: which means “here you are.”
Anna: This interjection is made up of three words, vær, så, and god. Vær is the imperative form of the verb at være which means “to be,” så means “so,” and god is the adjective meaning “good.”
Eric: You can use this when you’re giving or handing something to someone. It is the equivalent of the English expression “here you are” or “there you are.”
Anna: You can also use værsgo when you’re calling on someone to do something, for example when you're telling someone to start eating food that has been served. In that case, værsgo is the equivalent of “dinner is ready” or “help yourself.”
Eric: Can you give us an example using this word?
Anna: Sure. For example, you can say.. Værsgo at tage en slikkepind.
Eric: which means “Help yourself to a lollipop.” Okay, what's the next phrase?
Anna: på tilbud
Eric: which means “on sale.”
Anna: På
Eric: as an adverb means “on,” and as a preposition means “on,” “in,” or “at.”
Anna: Tilbud
Eric: this is a noun that means “offer.” All together, it’s
Anna: på tilbud
Eric: This phrase is equivalent to “on sale” in English, so it's mostly used in relation to shopping.
Anna: På tilbud often refers to a single item or product being sold at a special price.
Eric: What phrase would you use to talk about a sale as a whole?
Anna: på udsalg is more accurate when referring to an actual sale in terms of numerous items or products being sold at a discounted price.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this term?
Anna: Sure. For example, you can say.. Bogen er på tilbud i dag.
Eric: .. which means “The book is on sale at a bargain price today.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn some useful shopping expressions.
Anna: Before going shopping in Denmark, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with some common Danish shopping expressions.
Eric: The first phrase you will probably hear is…
Anna: Har du brug for hjælp?
Eric: Which means “Do you need help?” If you do, you can answer…
Anna: Ja tak.
Eric: “Yes, please.” And if you don't, you can say…
Anna: Nej tak.
Eric: If you give a positive answer, you might also want to explain what it is you’re looking for. In this case, you can say…
Anna: Jeg leder efter…
Eric: which means “I am looking for…” and then name the thing you’re looking for. Anna, what if you've found the item you want, but you’re looking for it in a specific size?
Anna: Then you may be asked Hvilken størrelse skal du bruge?
Eric: whic means “What size do you need?” How would you answer this question and say, for example, “A size 36.”
Anna: You can say En størrelse 36.
Eric: How would you say "a medium," in reference to size?
Anna: you can simply say En medium.
Eric: And if I'm not sure what size I need?
Anna: Then you can say Jeg er ikke sikker, which means “I am not sure.”
Eric: And then comes this next useful phrase ...
Anna: Passer den?
Eric: which means “Does it fit?” Shop clerks will use this phrase to ask if the item is OK for you or not. If it fits, you can answer …
Anna: Ja, det gør den.
Eric: which means “Yes, it does.” How would you say “No, it is too big”?
Anna: Nej, den er for stor.
Eric: And if you want to say that it’s too small?
Anna: Then you can say Nej, den er for lille.
Eric: meaning “No, it's too small.”
Anna: Listeners, you will find more expressions related to this in the Lesson Notes.
Eric: Now, let’s see one last related expression. Let’s say that you really liked the clothes and they do fit you.
Anna: You can say...Godt den passer!
Eric: which means “Glad it fits!”
Anna: Here, godt is a short way of saying “it’s a good thing that…” or “thank goodness.”
Eric: You can use this adverb to express your opinion about a previous or future action or event.
Anna: Right, the adverb godt would be the equivalent of “glad” or “good.”
Eric: For example, you can say…
Anna: Godt jeg fandt pungen!
Eric: This means “Glad I found the wallet!” Let’s take a look at another example.
Anna: Godt, så kører vi hjem.
Eric: “Good, then we will drive home.”
Anna: In this case, godt is used to mark a transition from one point or subject to a new one.
Eric: This usage is very common, especially in colloquial language.


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Anna: Vi ses!

